Wayne Myles, DDS

Gum Lifting and Reshaping Surgery

Nov 15, 2012 @ 05:26 PM — by
Tagged with: Laser Gum Reshaping Porcelain Veneers Cosmetic Dentistry

Most of us consider an attractive smile to be one that shows a set of straight, white teeth. But what if your smile reveals more gum line than teeth? When teeth are covered by an excess of gum tissue, it can produce what is known as a “gummy” smile and leave a person self conscious about showing an open mouthed smile. Dr. Wayne Myles, a respected Reston cosmetic dentist, offers patients gum reshaping surgery, or gum lifting, to remove excessive gum tissue and leave patients with a beautiful smile.

Gum Lifting and Reshaping Surgery

When you see the term “surgery,” you probably imagine an invasive procedure that requires extensive recovery. Dr. Myles' patients are happy to learn that gum lifting and reshaping surgery is actually a simple procedure that is comfortable for our patients and involves little to no recovery time. This is possible because Dr. Myles performs the surgery using a dental laser that is made to work on soft tissue. Using this laser, Dr. Myles can remove extra gum tissue to reveal more tooth material. As the tissue is removed, Dr. Myles will shape the tissue to make sure you are left with an even and attractive gum line. The dental laser is so precise that a typical treatment can be completed in about five minutes. Because the laser is able to seal the nerve endings as the treatment is being performed, we will not need to use any anesthesia during the treatment. Our patients will not experience pain or bleeding during the surgery and they will not require any recovery time.

Once your gum line has been addressed, Dr. Myles may recommend additional cosmetic procedures to further enhance your smile. Because a portion of the teeth will have been covered by gum tissue, we may need to perform teeth whitening to brighten the teeth and give them a consistent color. Sometimes, the teeth may appear uneven in size or misshapen once the gum line has been lifted. If this is the case, Dr. Myles can give his patients in Reston porcelain veneers to complete their smile restoration. Porcelain veneers can be applied to the entire front surface of the teeth to improve their color and shape and make sure the teeth have a uniform appearance.  Along with the gum lifting and reshaping surgery, porcelain veneers allow Dr. Myles to greatly improve the appearance of a patient’s smile.


If you want a smile that shows healthy, attractive teeth, instead of gum tissue, consider the benefits of gum lifting and reshaping surgery. This is a quick, painless treatment that can drastically improve your smile without the need for extended recovery time. Dr. Myles will ensure that you have enough healthy gum tissue remaining to protect your teeth so the health of your mouth will not be compromised in any way.

Schedule an Appointment

If you would like to receive more information on gum lifting and reshaping surgery, schedule an appointment with Dr. Wayne Myles. Improving your smile is simpler than you may imagine.