Wayne Myles, DDS

Who Is a Candidate for Porcelain Veneers?

Jan 29, 2014 @ 02:33 PM — by
Tagged with: Porcelain Veneers Cosmetic Dentistry

Aesthetic imperfections of any size can be a detriment to your smile. Whether a tooth is crooked, discolored, or chipped, even the smallest flaw can be a distraction from the rest of your teeth. At our Reston dentistry practice, we believe that all patients can, and should, have the opportunity to achieve a radiant smile. As one of the various cosmetic treatments offered by Dr. Myles, porcelain veneers can address most problems with astonishing effectiveness. To see if you may benefit from veneers, consider what makes a good candidate for treatment.   

Candidacy for Porcelain Veneers

Most patients who want to conceal a cosmetic problem are already good candidates for porcelain veneers. Because veneers cover the front surface of a tooth, they are effective at masking blemishes without replacing or harming the tooth itself. However, patients must have healthy teeth prior to receiving veneers. If decay or advanced gum disease are present under or around a veneer, it will most likely have to be removed to treat the underlying problem.

Additionally, patients should have fully grown teeth before receiving porcelain veneers. Since they are customized to fit a tooth for many years to come, the tooth cannot continue to grow or change substantially after being fitted with a veneer. Likewise, any necessary orthodontic treatment should first be completed before receiving veneers, as the veneers would interfere with braces or similar procedures.

Problems Commonly Solved by Porcelain Veneers

Since veneers essentially replace the outward appearance of teeth, they can correct a wide array of cosmetic flaws. Some problems that are commonly corrected through treatment include:

Porcelain Veneers vs. Alternative Treatments

Before deciding whether porcelain veneers are right for you, it’s helpful to compare its benefits with similar cosmetic treatments. Dental bonding and teeth whitening, for instance, can provide similar solutions for certain problems, but with varying effects.

Before undergoing any treatment, speak with your cosmetic dentist regarding your personal needs and expectations. Through an initial consultation, you can determine whether porcelain veneers or an alternative treatment can best suit you.

Reward Yourself with a New Smile

No matter what is holding your smile back, let us help you accomplish all of your dental goals. Contact us to schedule a consultation or to hear more about our treatment options.