Wayne Myles, DDS

What Patients Should Know About Zoom Teeth Whitening Treatment

Apr 25, 2014 @ 05:40 PM — by
Tagged with: Teeth Whitening Cosmetic Dentistry

One of the most common issues that people face, particularly as they get older, is tooth discoloration and stains. There are plenty of products that are out there that purport to brighten and whiten your teeth, but one of the best ways to ensure that your smile is its brightest and whitest is meeting with a cosmetic dentist. A skilled cosmetic dentist will be able to perform the right treatments for you and your needs, allowing your smile to look its best and be its healthiest.

One of the most common and popular professional dental bleaching systems used today is Zoom teeth whitening. Let's take a moment right now to consider how it works.

Common Causes of Tooth Discoloration

First of all, it may be helpful to list some of the most common causes of tooth discoloration, because they're more common than you may think:

About Zoom Teeth Whitening

Zoom teeth whitening is a professional bleaching system that is used by many dental health professionals around the world. In just a single Zoom teeth whitening sessions, patients have been able to have their smiles brightened by several shades.

What to Expect During Zoom Teeth Whitening Treatment

The Zoom teeth whitening process is simple, effective, and yields excellent results. The first step of treatment is the cleaning of the teeth. Once the teeth are free from plaque and food particles, a special bleaching gel is applied directly to the teeth. This gel is then exposed to a laser light, which helps the gel penetrate the enamel and bleach any discolored tooth structure on the surface.

This entire process is repeated two more times during the same dental visit for maximum effectiveness. Overall, the Zoom teeth whitening treatment will take about an hour.

What to Expect After a Zoom Teeth Whitening Session

After undergoing Zoom teeth whitening, a certain amount of mild tooth sensitivity is common. We will take care to ensure that it is minimal and that patients can manage following treatment. In most cases, the tooth sensitivity will last only a day or two, and it can be mitigated by avoiding foods and beverages that are hot (e.g., soup) or cold (e.g., ice cream).

Repeat Zoom Teeth Whitening Sessions

For patients with major tooth stains, they can undergo multiple Zoom teeth whitening sessions as needed. Scheduling for these additional sessions will be determined on a case-by-case basis and will depend on the degree of discoloration that the patient is facing.

How does Zoom teeth whitening compare to store-bought products?

Zoom teeth whitening boasts results that are faster, safer, and of much higher quality when compared to over-the-counter teeth whitening products. Even the most sophisticated store-bought whitening tray system cannot match the effectiveness of one professionally supervised Zoom teeth whitening session.

Learn More About Cosmetic Dentistry

If you would like to learn more about Zoom teeth whitening as well as your other options for advanced aesthetic dental care, be sure to contact our Reston, VA cosmetic and restorative dentistry practice today. Dr. Wayne Myles and his entire team is eager to help you look your very best and achieve a healthy smile in the process.