Wayne Myles, DDS

Easing Dental Anxiety for Safe and Comfortable Dental Treatment

Oct 5, 2014 @ 04:00 PM — by
Tagged with: Dental Anxiety Sedation Dentistry

A fear of the dentist is something that often develops in childhood and continues to persist into adulthood. While Dr. Wayne Myles and his staff make it a priority to put patient comfort first in all dental procedures, from basic dental exams to more extensive restorative treatment, some patients just cannot relax at the dentist. In fact, the fear and anxiety associated with dental care is so severe for some that they neglect to receive the professional care that they need and deserve. To address this dental anxiety, Dr. Myles offers sedation dentistry, a safe and effective treatment that creates a relaxed, comfortable feeling for patients while they undergo dental care. For our Reston patients, this dental anxiety treatment gives many patients the mindset they need to reap the beneficial rewards of professional dental care.

Candidates for Sedation Dentistry

Before offering sedation dentistry, Dr. Myles will discuss with each patient their medical history and the use of any prescription or over-the-counter medication. The form of sedation dentistry used by Dr. Myles, oral conscious sedation, is very safe and has little side effects, so most patients are ideal candidates for this treatment. Those who may benefit from the use of sedation dentistry include patients with the following concerns:

Sedation Dentistry Treatment

Oral conscious sedation is the least invasive form of sedation dentistry, which is ideal for patients who already have anxiety regarding dental care. With oral conscious sedation, Dr. Myles can help patients feel relaxed and secure without the use of a needle or face mask. Patients simply take the prescribed amount of an appropriate anti-anxiety or sedative drug. The medication that is chosen and the amount prescribed will be determined by Dr. Myles after considering the degree of anxiety that is experienced by each patient. This medication is taken at home so that the effects have already begun by the time the patient arrives at our office, creating a truly comfortable dental experience from start to finish.

It is important to note that, because the medication will be taken at home, patients will need to secure a ride both to and from their dental appointment and should have a companion with them until the sedative has worn off. The amount of sedation experienced will differ for each patient. Some remain awake and alert but feel no apprehension or fear, while others drift off to sleep during treatment and have little memory of the experience afterwards. No matter how alert the patient is, we are very careful to keep track of vital signs throughout treatment to ensure the safety of our patients.

Schedule an Appointment

Dr. Wayne Myles understands that dental anxiety is a real and valid concern for many patients. Still, he does not want to see patients suffer through painful and risky oral health complications because their fear prevents them from receiving necessary dental treatment. Sedation dentistry may be the ideal solution for these patients. If the thought of dental treatment sets your stomach in knots, schedule an appointment to learn more about sedation dentistry. We look forward to hearing from you!