5 Tips to Celebrate National Dental Hygiene Month

Did you know October is National Dental Hygiene Month? It was born in 2009 thanks to the American Dental Hygienists’ Association because they believed that there needed to be a focus on learning new tips to keep your teeth and gums as healthy as ever.

After years of brushing and flossing every day and night, most people don’t consider whether there are additional preventive practices they could implement into their daily lives to optimize their oral health. Below, a dentist offers five preventive tips to help keep your mouth looking healthy and happy for decades to come.


While you’re brushing your teeth, do you take extra time and effort to also clean below your gum line and the surface of your tongue? Maintaining the health of your entire mouth means removing food particles and bacteria that have built up in hard-to-reach places.

If you don’t do this, these substances can attract harmful oral bacteria that release a Sulphur-smelling waste that causes chronic bad breath. They also release enamel-eroding acid and toxins that are known to cause the early symptoms of gum disease, such as inflammation and irritation. When you remove these substances every morning and night, you can keep oral health problems from ever developing in the first place.


Many people don’t see the importance of flossing between each of your teeth at least once a day. However, the American Dental Association recommends doing this to maintain healthy teeth and gums. If you don’t regularly floss, at first, the action can seem uncomfortable and cause your gums to bleed. Once you get into the habit, this will stop.


Maintaining a nutritious diet can do wonders for the health of your mouth. White dairy products can help remineralize your enamel and fibrous vegetables can remove plaque and food debris from your teeth. Not to mention, there are countless vegetables and teas that have antioxidant properties that help fight off the effects of gum disease, like herbal and green teas.


Many people wonder why they need to visit their dentist every six months for a checkup and cleaning when they brush and floss their teeth at home. Even being diligent about maintaining your oral health at home can’t prevent problems from developing. Your dentist has special technology and techniques to diagnose and treat oral issues that may not be visible to the naked eye, such as symptoms of oral cancer and impacted wisdom teeth.


As an added measure to protect your teeth and gums from bacterial infestation, you can rinse with mouthwash every day. If the kind that contains alcohol is too strong for you, opt for an alcohol-free product, or ask your dentist if they have any recommendations.

For most people, their first line of defense against dental decay, gum disease, tooth infections, and other common oral health problems begins at home with their hygiene routine. When you follow these five tips, you can keep the small problems from turning into more severe ones that may cost you your pearly whites.


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